tirsdag 8. juni 2010


This is my first giveaway! Yay!!! I` m giving away this lovely book "Children`s room Copenhagen" from Paumes.
This book is full of inspiring pictures of children`s rooms. Just leave a comment under here (And please use a registered account so I can contact the winner.) and I will draw a winner this weekend. You can leave a comment here before this friday at midnight. (11.june) I hope you all will leave a comment!! 
Here is some pictures from this book.

15 kommentarer:

  1. Oh la la, I would love to be inspired by that book! :-)

  2. I`m in :-D
    A beautiful book with inspiering pictures!!!

  3. Hi !!
    I would love to have that book, lovely pictures.

  4. Hvis jeg bare hadde hatt denne boka! Da hadde barnerommet sikkert vært strøkent hele tida!
    Ingerid Nordstrand

  5. hehehe du er funny Ingerid:)

  6. Må prøve å slå Ingerid: Hvis jeg bare hadde hatt denne fantastisk nydelige boka , ville rommet til datteren min vært mye finere og dermed mye enklere å legge om kvelden.

  7. For en flott give away -tre uker igjen til termin, så denne boka hadde vært midt i blinken. Så ut til å være en bok proppfull av herlig inspirasjon.
    Gøy å oppdage nye blogg også.

  8. oioi, jeg vil gjerne være med!!!

  9. Wow, this book looks truly inspiring. Thank you for so generously sharing it with your readers. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    anthyjune {at} gmail {dot} com

  10. Hei!
    I`m in!

  11. Thank you for telling us about this book. I would love to win it, but if I don't, I will have to try to find it in the library! It looks like it would be an ideal source in helping me to start designing a nursery/play space for our baby.
    oldsockfarm AT gmail D0T com
