tirsdag 6. juli 2010


I`ve got a award from spirello. Thank you so much!:) Take a look at her beautiful blog!

With this awars thers comes a challenge.
1.link to the one you got it from
2.Tell 7 things about your self
3. Give the award to  7 other blogers

Ok, so here comes 7 things about me:)

1. I love to eat!! especially salty snacks and Asian food..
2. I was born in Japan and lived there until I was 16 years old (except for 2 years in the middle of this, so I lived there for almost 14 years)
3.My blog name babyramen is from my favorite snack as a child in Japan. It`s actually called "babystar", but I used to call it babyramen and still love it!!!:)
4.  I have to have a cup of tea every morning. I prefer China Keemun tea in the morning:)
5. I love to dance, especially to 80s music:)
6. I can`t listen to music without singing along. Which could be a bit annoying for the people around me:)
7. I collect vintage coffeecups, teaboxes and kokeshi dolls.

The 7 bloggers that I will pass this on to is:

5 kommentarer:

  1. Takk for award Hanne! jeg vet ikke helt hva det er jeg.. men hyggelig at du liker min blogg. Jeg digger din. Du får si meg hvordan jeg kan awarder din.. ;)) ses etterpå gldere meg!

  2. Guud så gøy! hva gjør jeg nå?

  3. :) Jeg er ikke så vant med sånt jeg heller:P men bare følg de tre utfordingene over: link til meg, fortelle 7 ting om deg selv....hva som helst:) og send videre til 7 nye:) Bare ment som en liten oppmuntring og at jeg liker bloggene deres;)

  4. Takk for award :)Liker din blogg godt, håper du får en fin sommer, blir alltid litt lite blogging for meg om sommeren;)

  5. Så morro! Takk,takk! Jobben er herved gjort! Ha en deilig helg!

    Trine :-)
